Subhra resume Template

👋 Hey,Nice to see you

About me

Basically I am from bangalore,India.

I have persued B-tech degree in Electronics and telecommunications engineering .

I do code everything specially in java and python.

I would like to do sketching and painting in my leisure time.

  • Full Name : Subhra manyu Das
  • Date of Birth: 12 Sept 1992
  • Email

My Skills

I'm a backend java and python developer 👨🏻‍💻 . I'm a Results-oriented developer with seasoned expert in developing, testing, and maintaining enterprise applications.

  • Work Experience : 7+ years
  • Project delivered : 12 +
  • Tools used :
Subhra resume Template
testimonials image PYTHON

Core and Advanced,Scripting,Data Analysis,API development

testimonials image DJANGO

REST framework,Django CMS,Django admin,caching,Social Auth,Guardian,Haystack

testimonials image JAVA

Java EE,Core Java,Data Structures,JDBC,JUNIT

testimonials image SPRING BOOT

Spring Data,JPA,Spring Security,Thymleaf,RESTful APIs,micro services

My Work

You can find more of my work at


Seasoned Experties in below domain

Knowledge of cloud computing platforms, such as AWS, GCP, and Azure, and their services, such as EC2, S3, and Lambda

Understanding of security principles and techniques, such as encryption, hashing, and authentication, and libraries, such as cryptography and bcrypt

Familiarity with agile development methodologies, such as Scrum and Kanban, and tools, such as Jira and Trello.

Experienceed with testing frameworks, such as Pytest, Unittest, and Nose, and debugging tools, such as Pdb and PyCharm.

Proficiency in data analysis and visualization using libraries, such as NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn

Hands On knowledge of machine learning algorithms and frameworks, such as linear regression,random forest etc.

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